Monday, August 19, 2013

It's no FIGnewton here!

FIGS... are my new favorite fruit. Especially when pluots are out of season. Pluots and figs are not comparable but I just love a good pluot.

I visited the Farmers Market with a foodie friend, check out her blog here:  She picked up these interesting looking fruits at my favorite fruit stand. The stand was selling them three for $5, I believe, and we decided to share the 3 pints of figs. What a deal, right? Now I've never taste a fig but I have had fig newtons and honestly it is not my favorite fruit bar. I figured I would not really care for these and then I made this...

FIG-delicious Proscuitto Salad with a balsamic glaze

What you'll need:
1. 6 figs, I used black mission figs
2. 3 slices proscuitto
3. 4 bocconcini fresh mozzarella
4. 1/2 cup balsamic vinegar
5. big bunch of sweet basil

After washing the figs, slice off the top of the fig and quarter each fig. Place sliced figs in a mixing bowl. Slice the bocconcini in desired size. Place in mixing bow. Chop up basil and proscuitto and place in mixing bowl. Mix ingredients in bowl and then plate.

Heat up a sauce pan with balsamic and cook until balsamic reduces and thickens. Spoon balsamic reduction onto each plated salad and serve.

Stick a fork in and enjoy!

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